
Founded in 1999, our professional software development and design, website development and design, as well as the development of mobile devices, IDC engine room servo, maintenance and operation services, is the small number of all-round development of the software design company.

All are welcome cooperation or alliance with us and create a win-win environment, we are willing to provide the most professional service.

網宇科技有限公司 成立於 1999 年

LOGO 獵豹象徵 敏捷、速度、熱情 的精神

我們擁有最專業的技術團隊和合作夥伴,擅長軟體開發設計、網站開發設計以及行動裝置的開發、IDC 主機代管伺服器維運、小額付費金流建置等服務,從前端到後端整合性服務。
